Child Porn


We have handled hundreds of cases that ended in reductions of charges, outright dismissals, and not guilty verdicts. We work hard for you, and use every ounce of energy and knowledge we crafted and refined in our previous roles as prosecutors and public defenders.

Do Not Be Intimidated by the Charges Against You. We Are Not.

A conviction for child pornography can mean loss of freedom, loss of reputation, and the stigma of being known as a sex offender for the rest of your life.

Child pornography, criminal sexual conduct, or child molestation charges in Minnesota can range from solicitation of a minor to possession or distribution of illicit pictures and images. Our accomplished defense team go right to work in establishing your innocence. We know the jurisdictions in which these cases are tried. We know the personalities who try them. We connect with judge and jury; always relating persuasive and personalized versions of your side of the story.

We conduct ourselves with utmost sensitivity to the safety and security concerns of the plaintiff, and his or her family. Our first loyalty, however, is to you; an allegiance that we will never waiver on.

Do not let the stigma of a child pornography conviction and sex offender status follow you for the rest of your life. Fight back today by reaching out to Hawkins Law Office, P.A. in Minneapolis.

Contact us today! Or call 612-824-5005 to schedule a free consultation!